Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Looking At Pay-What-You-Can Like A Hippie

I'm discovering that there's a small but steady drumbeat that business can be done with heart, specifically the heart of healer. Mark Silver is one of those putting some great stuff out. I recommend you check him out.

Mark has come out strongly against "flex pricing" (sliding scales, pay-what-you-can, etc.). What I admire about him, even though I disagree with him, is that when he encountered a cogent argument in favor of pay-what-you-can (PWYC), he listened, he liked what he heard, and he changed his mind! More than that, he put the word out among his considerable network about this new way of thinking.

The PWYC defense was put forth by Tad Hargrave, who does what he calls "Marketing For Hippies". He's all about the alternative economy and he has used PWYC in his workshops and classes. Along the way he's worked out how we communicate with our clients around PWYC to make it work and not be a burden on our clients.

I'm adding a few things to my website in response to what Tad has to say. Mark interviewed him (in 4 segments, for some reason) and posted the interview online. If you're interested in being creative and open in your pricing, I strongly recommend you listen to the interview(s) and read some of what Tad has to say. I know I signed up for his emails (while I'm unsubscribing from almost everything else!).

There's good people out there defining a new better way to do business, a way more in synch with healer values. Have a listen.

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