Wait, wasn't I just in DC? Just at PMTI? And now I'm in Brisbane Australia. How did that happen?
Short answer: my husband was offered a 6-month assignment in Brisbane and we decided:
(1) we like Australia,
(2) we've been talking about living overseas for more than 10 years, and
(3) we could afford to live on just one income for a little while, so
(4) what the heck, he accepted the assignment.
So I am living in Brisbane, the capitol of the state of Queensland, where massage is un-regulated, prostitution is legal, and everyone drives on the left.
But what am I doing?
For the next 6 months, I will be returning to my previous profession and will be writing professionally. That is, I will be working on several books, my usual columns, this blog, and the usual Facebook posts and letters-home-to-Mom.
Specifically, I intend to take my experience teaching business practices and my business columns for the DC AMTA newsletter and turn them into a book. I will also explore what it's like to be a massage therapist in this culture, in this business climate, in this country, on this side of the planet.
And along the way, I'll be posting my findings, musings, and observations on this blog for anyone who's interested. Check in from time to time and see what I've discovered lately!
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