Thursday, November 25, 2010

Slogging My Way Through The Words

Writing. Writing. Writing. Writing. Writing.

I actually went to college for this??

I'm back at the Brisbane Square library today for another 2-hour session in the learning lounge. The lounge gives me access to a PC with Word, fast internet, Publisher, etc. etc. etc. and a printer. I have been coming here to do my writing several days a week because (1) it helps me break the isolation of working alone at home and (2) they've actually got decent office chairs for working on the PC!

It makes a difference.

It's funny that every time I come over to reserve a space, they ask me what I'm working on (directly or subtly). This learning lounge is meant to be for working, not just surfing the web. (They have another busy lounge for that.)

I've been coming here 2-4 days a week for several weeks now and they still ask me every time. I don't know if they're getting more or less suspicious.

The plan for today is:

1. Get a couple more pages of the NCBTMB Approved Provider application finished. It's not a horrendous application but (1) it's long, (2) it's detailed, and worst of all (3) you can't save your work.

Truly. You can enter all the info you want into this 35-page online application but you can not save your work. I found this so incomprehensible I actually called their offices (yes, from Australia) and they confirmed that, yep, that's how that works.

They agreed it's not ideal and suggested I print off each page as I get it complete. Since I don't have a printer in the apartment, I have to work on it here.

2. Whack away some more at chapter 1 of the "Travel Guide for the Spiritual Journey" book (my working title). I've finished a rough draft of the introduction and I'm now working on chapter 1. I've got a detailed outline but it's still a lot of work to turn that outline into readable prose.

Do I sound a bit whingey (translation: whiny)? I feel a bit whingey. I've done a lot of writing this week and my word brain cells are getting a cramp. I remind myself how fortunate I am to have the freedom and support to just write, something I've fantasized about (and, yes, I did go to college for this. I have a degree in journalism and spent 20 years making my living as a writer before switching to MT). But I'm kinda dragging today.

It is work. Struggling for the right word or sentence construction. Making sure I don't over-use phrases (and that is sooooo easy to do!). Analyzing the flow of information through the paragraph, the chapter, the book. Re-arranging and re-arranging and re-arranging. What if I put this sentence there? Does it read better if I swap these paragraphs? Oh but that would mean deleting this sentence and I really like this sentence! Am I using the same phrasing I used in the introduction (because I should be)? Am I still being engaging? Is this sentence too long? Should I expand upon this idea or is it self-explanatory? Do I sound arrogant? Do I sound simple-minded?


Maybe after my two hours are up here, I'll go grab my togs (translation: bathing suit) and head over to the manmade beach on Southbank and ogle the life guards.

It's a living.

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