After 10 years in any profession, it's a good idea to step back and give some thought to what you want out of the next 10 years. Otherwise, you are a prime candidate for burnout, even if you love your work. You don't need to switch careers but you do need to shake things up.
(Truth in advertising: I wrote a whole column on this for the DC chapter of the AMTA, so I'm sort of stealing my own lead!)
When Jeff and I decided to come to Australia, we decided I would use this time to write a book (or 3) I've had in my head. I'm also using this time to see what bubbles up for my practice. What new directions do I want to take? What leaps of the imagination might actually be possible?
It changes every week. An idea will just grab my brain with both hands and shake it while saying "we could do XYZ!!!" Last week, I was all caught up in the idea of renting a large-ish space and inviting other bodyworkers and allied professionals to rent space from me. Create the multi-speciality practice I've fantasized working in but do it as a landlord.
I spent a lot of time thinking about the logistics of that last week. Where would I find such a space? Should I rent or (gulp) buy? What would it take to get that kind of financing?? What part of the city? What would I be looking for in practitioners? How would I find them?
This week, that idea doesn't excite my brain as much. Today I find myself focusing on the "service" part of my practice, specifically the "pay what you can" policy I have. Where are the people who need and want massage and really can't afford it? What is a massively under-served community?
In DC, I live on the eastern end of Capitol Hill (over by RFK Stadium). Can I help bring massage and its healing to ward 7 and 8, even with my oh-so-white face? Would I be better off partnering with someone who's already working in ward 7/8? What about my existing, loyal, and loving clients who would find ward 7/8 waaaaaaaay the hell outside their comfort zone?
Next week....who knows? It's all part of my deeper psyche exercising it's imagining and envisioning muscles. Stay tuned. :)
As someone who has taken 10 years to figure out "what might be next" - I SOOOOOO understand!! :)